About Us

The story behind

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A sister company to the multi-national Heritage Textile Co. Ltd, We Heirloom Enterprises Inc. is a cross-border textile dealership that works to supply exquisite apparel and upholstery fabrics to the world. We bring designs and materials from the textile hubs of Thailand, China, and India and supply them to North, Central, and South America.
Our versatile fabric-procurement processes and experience of over two decades have led us to be a trustworthy supplier for our clients across the globe. We deeply interface with our customers to know their exact requirements and get them the touch, feel and design that will best fit their market needs. Whether you need a container-sized shipment of the same fabric or require a bouquet of different designs delivered to you, we make sure that you get exactly what you want.
We are known for our taste in fabric and the timeliness of our service. We are your one-stop solution for all things fabric-related.
Think Fabric, Think Heirloom!

Our Team

At heirloom, we blend quality with efficiency. Our workforce of over 75 employees, brings forth the oriental best, so that finest of fabric reaches you. With employees who hold rich experience in the textile industry, we know exactly what your business needs.
We exclusively employ the best embroiderers, weavers, dyers, and printers under our wing, to convert the yarns and greys at Heirloom into fabrics that meet your imagination. Our production processes match the dynamism of the ever-evolving textile industry. With integrated machinery and technologies that are globally up-to-date, we are a growing organization with a glorious past and a bright future.


Heirloom was founded in the year 2000 with its bright vision of meeting the fabric needs of apparel and garment manufacturers across the globe. Ever since then, it has been progressively involved in bridging gaps in the east and the west, one fabric loom at a time. We successfully export over 15 million meters of fabric every year and checkmark the boxes of quality and quantity with every shipment we deliver. As the industry blooms in this post-pandemic world, we are thrilled about how innovation in machinery is revolutionizing the production of textiles and are excited to use it for the advantage of our clients.